The Actual Look Of These Historical Figures Might Shock You

Published on 01/20/2020

Johann Sebastian Bach

A talented musician and one who comes from a family that has long been in the musical arena, Johann Sebastian Bach made his name in history for different reasons. Bach was born in Germany in 1685 and is in the record books as a talented musician and one of history’s greatest composers. He was the life of music and the legend of the golden age of music.

Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach

Bach played the organ extremely well, and most of his composed songs were done for the Church. In 1721, the legend did what most thought would be impossible; he wrote his Brandenburg Concertos, a six-part concerto that placed a different light on the pace of music in general. He achieved this feat while there was both much criticism towards him as well many other great composers who looked upon these achievements with awe.


A Face to the Music Legend

Johann Sebastian Bach was buried in an unmarked grave (a legend almost lost to history). Still, thanks to the expert researching skills of Dundee University’s Dr. Caroline Wilkinson, there is now a face to the musician we heard so much about. She managed to use a cast, which is said to be Bach’s skull, as the base for her technological scans.

A Face To The Music Legend

A Face To The Music Legend

It all began about 150 years after Bach’s burial that local religionists realized that the Church he was buried in needed repairs. They seized the opportunity, and a grave believed to be his was revealed and the particulars handed to Dr. Wilkinson for her recreation project.