The Actual Look Of These Historical Figures Might Shock You

Published on 01/20/2020

Lord of Sipan

Ever heard of the Moche mummies? Well, the Lord of Sipan was the first to be unearthed in a lengthy discovery undertaken by researchers and archaeologists. The Lord of Sipan’s body was dug up in 1987 in Peru and considered as one of the most interesting findings in the 20th century. He was buried with lots of valuables and other treasures, similar to King Tut.

Lord Of Sipan

Lord Of Sipan

However, for anyone to think this digging process was a breeze, then they can’t know what it means to have soil toppled for over 2,000 years. During the process of trying to recover the skull, it ended up breaking into 96 different pieces. But thanks to modern technology, they were able to put the pieces together to create the 3-D image they were working towards.


Rebirth of the Lord of Sipan

The image presented was created by a process known as photogrammetry. This method sees 3-D images being created with the use of multiple angles set up from different perspectives. The project was conducted by a team of Forensic anthropologists, and forensic odontologists from Brazil, and the final product gave a striking replica of what the ancient figure looked like.

Rebirth Of The Lord Of Sipan

Rebirth Of The Lord Of Sipan

Lord of Sipan undoubtedly was of high-class status due to the number of expensive jewelry and valuables he was wearing at his death. These include metals, precious stones, and other carvings from pricey products, and he was determined to be around 35-45 years old at his death. He was buried with two warriors who had their feet amputated so they couldn’t walk away from the tomb and would always be there to protect him – interesting, right?!