Distant Cousins
Despite their phenomenal size difference, the tiny baby was happily coiled up inside of Bobo’s enormous hand. Even though Bobo could have crushed the little fellow in the blink of an eye, he was clearly more than happy in his care.

Distant Cousins
The sanctuary’s workers could not believe what they were seeing. Little creatures like this survived by instinctually scurrying away from most animals. Elissa needed a closer look, and so she grabbed her binoculars and saw that this animal was not a mouse, but a primate as well!
Daddy Daycare
It might have crossed your mind that Mefou and its staff might have so many animals in their care that they might not know every primate in their care. This was not the case, as the people who ran this sanctuary made a point of becoming friends with each animal present

Daddy Daycare
They simply had no idea where this curious little creature had come from. It seemed to have scurried in from some distance and enjoyed an instant bond with his much larger distant relative, Bobo.