This Elusive Gorilla Did Not Want Anyone Approaching Until They Noticed His Hands Don’t Look

Published on 02/10/2021

At A Glance

Those that were employed by the sanctuary knew full well that the monkeys that had been brought into their care had been through a lot. They were being protected from the dangers of the outside world.

At A Glance

At A Glance

When Elissa and her team noticed how oddly Bobo was behaving, they obviously wanted to help this animal that had been through so much. But there was one significant detail that Elissa had noticed regarding Bobo’s bizarre new behavior.

Sacred Bodies

It is no mystery that wild animals are hunted and poached by all kinds of illicit forces. From those looking to sell their meat in unethical markets, to the poachers who sell their parts abroad, Ape Action Africa realized that these endangered Cameroonian animals needed a place like Mefou Primate Sanctuary.

Sacred Bodies

Sacred Bodies

It was then up to the sanctuary’s staff to make sure that these threatened creatures could be properly protected from those that would happily harm them. These weren’t your ordinary wildlife park workers, however. They were incredibly committed to their charges.