Fuzzy Geniuses
You might not expect that such a brawny animal is clever than most creatures, but gorillas have plenty of brains, too. Their behavior has been compared to that of chimpanzees, in how they use tools like sticks to navigate their environments and aid their babies in their climbing efforts by using bamboo sticks.

Fuzzy Geniuses
Gorillas also have their own language, which consists of around 25 separate noises that each have their own special and distinct meanings.
While we are most closely related to chimpanzees and bonobos, we still share a DNA proximity of 98.3% with gorillas. We have tragically almost totally wiped gorillas off the face of the earth, however. This is a severely endangered group.

But NPOs such as Ape Action Africa are doing their best to turn this extinction process around. This effort can only be done with a steady supply of funding, as well as a ceaseless dedication from volunteers and staff members.