The Man Who Accidentally Discovered The Gold Mine Under His Feet

Published on 10/30/2020


The instant lapse back into silence was strangely synchronized with the paranormal-related Google search which Christopher had made: “If you want to get rid of the paranormal activity you have to face it.” Just what was Christopher being almost fatefully urged to face? As was the trend with this continually alarming case, Christopher was just finding more questions, but it seemed like he was finally being urged toward the truth.




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Christopher was quietly mulling over this riddle when a knock came from the door. This would not have been too startling if the sound had been a light rap, and not a slow and deliberate pounding which sounded in waves of three. Someone was trying to scare him – and it was working. Christopher carefully approached the door, demanding who was there, his hand reaching for the iron door’s strong handles.

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