So, with this one, we take a minor issue with the AI photo. In the literature, Ygritte is supposed to be around 19, although she appears to be around 12. They did, however, get her wild hair and crooked teeth right. Rose Leslie, of course, portrays her superbly. Perhaps a little too lovely. In the books, Jon Snow doesn’t think she’s particularly attractive. While Ygritte and Jon did not finish up together on the show, we are thrilled that Rose and Kit Harington are now married.

Arya Stark
If you asked fans of the show who their favorite character was, we’re sure many of them would reply Arya Stark. But it’s not only Maisie Williams’ incredible performance; the character itself is intriguing in our perspective. If you haven’t read the novels yet, remember that Arya’s story is far darker. Although she is just nine when the books begin, she loses her humanity on her path of revenge.

Arya Stark