Jon Snow
Without a question, we all got smitten with Jon Snow the instant we saw him adopt Ghost (and not just because Kit Harington is so lovely and soulful). Of course, seeing him develop into a natural leader was also stunning. He’s also grown up from the age of 14 in the novels and, according to the books, resembles Ned Stark more than any of his putative siblings. Unlike in the television, where Jon finally finds his parentage in the last season, it remains a mystery in the world of the books.

Jon Snow
Loras Tyrell
Here’s why adapting a novel to the screen isn’t always easy: Loras Tyrell is described as having liquid gold eyes. We’re not sure about you, but we’ve never seen eyes that color in real life. Although Finn Jones does not have golden eyes, we believe he portrays the attractive knight well. Unlike in the program, where he died, he is still alive in the novels.

Loras Tyrell