Festo Camera Ants
We no move from the borderline accessible to the distant and incredible. The Festo Camera Ants are the ideal little spies, and unlike the earlier-mentioned Owl-Eye drone, is almost impossible to distinguish from the real thing. As you can imagine, the remotely controlled or autonomous cybernetic insects can feed instant and live footage over enormous distances. Of course, these sci-fi ants are still in the conceptual development stages. Nevertheless, it is terrifying to imagine the possibilities!

Festo Camera Ants
Drone Strike-Downs
Unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, are a commonplace asset in fighting terrorism, and while the good guys still maintain an overwhelming aerial superiority, who’s to say that we will not see the rise of advanced UAVs being used for nefarious means? To counter this potentially imminent threat, Drone Strike-Downs technology is being developed which can rapidly acquire multiple flying targets and take them out extremely quickly. You can expect to see this tech being employed soon.

Drone Strike Downs