B-21 Raider
This next one is still floating around the rumor mill, but we are no less excited about the B-21 Raider. The turn of the millennium resulted in a much-needed Long-Range Strike Bomber (LRSB) to be developed for modern times. The Air Force then began working with Northrup Grumman to start development on the B-21 Raider. This is a piloted aircraft, with a talent for stealth, peak altitudes, and bombing. The engineers over at the Air Force heading the initiative declared that they need a minimum of a single pilot in the cockpit, seeing as the B-21 will frighteningly focus on carrying nuclear payloads.

B 21 Raider
BigDog Military Robot
The Google-owned Boston Dynamics developed the BigDog with force multiplication in mind. As with the WildCat, the BigDog can traverse a variety of terrain forms without tripping. This means that otherwise inaccessible or time-wasting trips, not to mention minefields or enemy positions, can be overcome quickly and easily. This makes reinforcing units a breeze, without having to put a single person at risk. The BigDog is sturdy, dependable, and can carry a lot of stuff.

BigDog Military Robot