Urban Aeronautics AirMule
The IDF have somehow managed to get a flying car up and running with the AirMule! This Blade Runner inspired masterpiece is the ideal way to navigate urban warzones with a carriage capacity of more than a singleton for around 60 minutes. Why would the AirMule need to be a part of such an advanced helicopter fleet? Well, the AirMule can enter cramped areas that helicopters would instantly explode attempting. This would allow people trapped in destroyed or flaming buildings to hop onto the AirMule quickly and safely.

Urban Aeronautics AirMule
FLYPMode Patrol Vehicle
While you will not see the FLYPMode out and about for some time yet, as it has yet to complete its operational testing process, it will hopefully further the efforts of rapid deployment forces. This gives infantry a safety similar to that of the MRAP, but with a much faster and more agile engine and overall design. There is also a supremely improved visibility in the FLYPMode. Thanks to crowdsourcing efforts, DARPA is perfecting this model speedily. It has an affordable, dynamic, and modular design, and will probably become employed at a widespread level in a couple of years.

FLYPMode Patrol Vehicle