Every year, we see more and more phenomenal military vehicles being released by the world’s leading superpowers. While we might only actually learn about their existence long after they have been designed or deployed, with many of these projects being top-secret, we did our best to compile the 50 most powerful, revolutionary, and futuristic tanks, planes, drones, and other types of military vehicles to our knowledge. Strap yourself in, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
BAE Systems Aadaptiv Technology
Manufactured by BAE Systems AB, the advanced level of active camouflage installed into the Adaptiv system wards off enemy detection, especially infrared night vision technology. This is a mesh of Pletier hexagonal plates that quickly burn and freeze to create the operator’s needed picture, for example, the surrounding forest or a civilian vehicle.
BAE Systems unleashed the Adaptiv infrared military camouflage technology in 2011, comparing it to “a thermal TV screen. With around 1000 hexagonal pieces coating the flanks of metal plated vehicles like personal carriers and tanks.

BAE Systems Aadaptiv Technology
WildCat Robot
Do not be fooled by this creation’s awkward looking design, as this Boston Robotics ‘WildCat’ is destined to conquer any kind of environment. As you can tell from its almost adorable appearance, this is not a combat unit. It is meant to transport cargo or intelligence through rugged, snowy, or sandy terrains, undeterred. The WildCat has undergone rigorous testing in the running department, proving to be almost unstoppable by anything but the most treacherous or impassable terrains and heavy enemy fire.

WildCat Robot