Frozen Puppy Rescued And Brought Back To Life

Published on 11/26/2020

The Conditions

When the woman first saw the pup, she was lying with her eyes closed, and no movement was being made, making it easy to believe the unthinkable had happened to the poor animal. Still trying to show her level of care and compassion, the woman reached down in a bid to see if the pup was still alive. As she touched her, something happened that left the woman in complete shock.

The Conditions

The Conditions


Hope Renewed

As the woman brushed against the pup, she realized it moved. It was quite a shocker for the woman because of the way it laid there, it seemed as though it had no life left. The puppy’s movement gave the woman all the hope she needed, and she was relieved to know Varya was alive. She decided to seek emergency help for her as she couldn’t know how long the poor pup had been lying in the harsh weather conditions.

Hope Renewed

Hope Renewed