The World’s Most Powerful Empires Throughout History

Published on 11/01/2020

The Mongol Empire

The Mongol Empire covered more than 22% of the earth’s land space and existed from the 13th to the 14th century. The great Genghis Khan founded it, and based on its massive size, many other empires feared it.
The empire’s ruler Genghis Khan was known to have been the one to unite the northeastern tribes in China. Also, Khan has more than a dozen children and married about eight wives.

The Mongol Empire

The Mongol Empire

The Tibetan Empire

The Tibetan Empire ruled over an average of 3% of the Earth’s surface and existed back in 800 AD. This empire lasted more than 200 years through its successive rulers’ vast knowledge and critical thinking skills. Not many empires last that long.
Checking the map, you can see the numerous landscapes the empire covered. It somehow took control of a lot of the inhabited spaces across the globe.

The Tibetan Empire

The Tibetan Empire