What comes to mind when you think of Denise Richard? These 40 classic pictures of the fabulous starlet will bring you a flood of Hollywood nostalgia. Richards dominated a wide variety of film genres during the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s. Although she is rarely spotted in blockbusters today, we feel she still deserves a spot in the limelight with these 40 elusive snaps of the talented actress. You will not get a better insight into her personal life, so make sure to soak up all this Denise-themed goodness!

30 Classic Snaps Of Denise Richards
Technically speaking, Denise Lee Richards is part of Hollywood royalty, having once modeled before making a scene in television and film. She is most famous for her Bond Girl charms in The World is Not Enough, the courageous Carmen Ibanez from Starship Troopers, and the seductress Kelly Van Ryan from Wild Things. Denise Richards has filled many roles, but she will always be known for her beauty and diverse portfolio.
Humble Beginnings
Denise Richards’s life began on February the 17th, 1971. Her mother was Joni, and owned and ran a coffee shop in Illinois, and her father, Irv Richards, was a telephone engineer. The couple brought a beautiful little tot into the world in Downers Grove, Illinois, and called her Denise. Denise was their first child and they loved her dearly. This was just the start of a fruitful life. Let’s find out more.

Humble Beginnings