Slumdog Millionaire
Just that time when we think we know it all, know what’s going on, boom – along comes a film like this and hits us in the face! In a good way though! The film is about an 18-year-old fromt he slums of Mumbai, who goes on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? And all that transpires after (and before) that. Receiving an Academy Award for Best Picture and raking in $377 million, we suggest this on your must-see list!
Schindler’s List
Certainly one of the most famous movies of all time, this novel came to life on a big screen, through the likes of Steven Spielberg. The film documents the mission of Oskar Schindler to rescue thousands of Polish-Jews from the traumatic fate that they would have met through the Holocaust. This movie certainly sets the bar high for firstly, bringing novels to life and secondly portraying true-life drama.