3. Duck Dynasty
A little bit of Google research can go a long way, and if you happen to find yourself looking at old photos of the ‘Duck Dynasty’ cast, you’ll realize just how fake the cast of this program are to begin with. While meant to chronicle the happenings of the Robertson family, an entrepreneurial family that became wealthy for creating products specifically for duck hunters, the show is about as scripted as they get. Showrunners and producers craft tense scenarios upfront, leading the cast in a flurry of confusing confrontations. Some fans have even discovered that bleeps are inserted into clips to scale up the so-called tension in the scene. ‘Duck Dynasty’ is peak fake reality TV, and it can be hard to believe it ran for over five years across 11 seasons.

Duck Dynasty
4. House Hunters
‘House Hunters’ is renowned for helping couples to find their dream homes. Whether you’ve always wanted to own a home, or are looking to move soon, or just like seeing houses, a vast majority of people can relate to a show built around this concept. As it turns out, most couples that are filming the show have already bought their dream homes. Producers like to play it out as a real search, when in fact, the couples have already signed on the dotted line for their mortgage. This allows the show to play into unrealistic budgets and to fabricate some of the key interactions during any given episode. Good TV? Perhaps. Fake reality TV? Absolutely.

House Hunters