21. Ice Road Truckers
A little known fact about the popular ‘Ice Road Truckers’ is that the first scene in the series showcasing a truck dropping ice into cold water was actually done using miniature models built to scale. If anything, this set the stage for the rest of the series to be as fake as it gets. It came as no surprise that cast members have come forward and admitted that the show is fully scripted, as well as edited in a way that makes certain people look like heroes, and others like villains. This is usual reality TV tricks, although it’s worth keeping in mind that the topic of discussion in the show is actually something quite serious. Ice road trucking is dangerous, and producers do what they can to make it look as risky as possible.

Ice Road Truckers
22. The Bachelor
Fans of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, look the other way! These long standing shows have built legions of fans based on someone finding “the love of their life” in what can only be described as a game show type contest to vie for the attention of a single person. The usual scripted storylines are added to the series aplenty, and as it turns out, many of the couples on the show end up separated or divorced after a short while. The producers have done this for so long, that they already know which people will fare best with the audience base of the show. They do what they can to ensure that people who create the most drama end up winning, or coming close to it.

The Bachelor