The First Interaction
Paul gave Siobhan a call about her discovery in May of 2014, and she recalls that he was absolutely thrilled about the discovery that the research team had made. He could hardly believe that after all this time, it had been tracked down and that there were still images and videos on the memory card. As it turned out, the camera had meant a great deal to him too.
Paul mentioned to Siobhan that he was laughing a lot about just what a lucky man he was. Telling them more about his story, the professor realized that the photos were very important to him, especially as the last photos that had been taken were of a special occasion that held such a great deal of sentimental value to his entire family.

The First Interaction
Remembering His Mom
As it turns out, Paul was especially grateful as a lot of the photos on the card had captured pictures from the day him and his family scattered the ashes of his late mother. At the time of his accident, losing the camera was even harder because of this, as he knew he could never retrieve those memories again. Aside from this, there were also some incredible scuba diving and snorkeling photos, which were near and dear to his heart.
Siobhan was very curious about how Paul had gone on to lose his camera, and enquired with him about the details surrounding his boat accident. As she discovered, the camera fell to the bottom of the ocean in the most difficult and trying of circumstances any of us could face in our lives.

Remembering His Mom