Early Preparations For The Dive
Long before Pearce made his startling discovery, Kristin Romey had been searching for the tomb of Nastasen, a pharaoh of Nubia. Her goal was to find his grave, which would likely give more insight into how the ancient civilization of Kush lived, especially as they were once very prominent and influential in much of the northern part of Africa.
Kristin would eventually come to find her answer, thanks to the discovery of her colleague, Pearce. A venture into an unexplored pyramid on the border of Sudan and Egypt would mark the discovery of a lifetime, which gave archeologists so much intel for their own research studies and published work.

Early Preparations For The Dive
Searching With Intent
Many people believed that Nastasen’s tomb was directly underneath a pyramid in the Nuri complex. The fact that it had never been explored was mostly due to the fact that it was completely submerged in water. Exploring a site like this would require special training and underwater technology, which at the time was not advanced like today . Pearce would be the first person to explore these depths, and what he would eventually find was an incredible surprise to Kristin and other archeologists around the world.

Searching With Intent