Returning To Taiwan
Any ordinary person might have asked for the photos by email, but Serina was determined to meet with the class face-to-face. It wasn’t an everyday occurrence, and wrapping up the story on a high note was something she felt a responsibility to do. The return journey had nothing to do with wanting to get her camera back, as she was more focused about her precious memories, and on showing thanks to the students.
The reunion would eventually happen and ironically, be captured with some pictures taken using the camera itself. Shortly after, everyone assumed that it was all over, and life had to go on. Little did they know that Serina had a special surprise waiting for the children.

Returning To Taiwan
A Special Surprise
Serina returned to Taiwan on a tight budget, considering she was a student. Her trip had to be pushed back by a couple of months initially after she spoke with Park because she needed some time to save up for the ticket. She wasn’t able to bring them any gifts when she arrived in Taiwan, but she had another trick up her sleeve.
Heading back home, she continued to think about ways she could surprise the class. Park had told her that they were due to graduate in six months, so she had an out of the box idea to help make the moment all the more special and memorable for them.

A Special Surprise