100 000 Shares on Social Media
Park and his students could never have imagined that his social media post would garner that much attention, and in the span of just a couple of days, it had well over 50 000 comments and 100 000 shares! Contrary to what happened in Canada, this was enough to track down the owner of the camera and helped shorten the search in a big way.
Once the post hit international waters, Park received an inbox message from the owner of the camera, diver Serina Tsubakihara. When he told his students about this twist of events, they were incredibly excited to get in touch with her and to have a moment where they could return the item to her.

100 000 Shares On Social Media
More About The Owner of the Camera
Japanese student Serina Tsubakihara spoke to the BBC after the story started to do it’s rounds through the international media. She said that she was shocked that the camera had turned up, and was tremendously thankful to Mr. Lee and his students for their bid to return it to her. As it turns out, the camera held a very special place in her heart.
Serina first found out about the discovery after a friend told her about the post, and sent her the pictures. Living and studying all the way over in Japan, she couldn’t believe that she was looking at the pictures of her recent diving vacation. It wouldn’t be long before she found herself facing Park and his students, in order to tell the story of how the camera got lost in the first place.

More About The Owner Of The Camera