Rescued By The Coast Guard
Once the boat had hit the rocks, the hull was smashed to pieces and it would be only a few minutes before it was completely immersed in water. Watching this, Paul couldn’t help but panic as he was immersed in the icy waters of the sea. Aware that hypothermia could kill him in no time, he wondered whether he would make it out alive at all.
A self-professed lucky man, Paul was spotted by others nearby and the Coast Guard was called. He spent six hours in the water waiting to be rescued, and by the time he was brought back to shore, he needed immediate medical attention. His friends and family rallied behind him during his stint in hospital, watching him recover and thankful that he had made it through it

Rescued By The Coast Guard
A Community Mobilized
The following morning, local media ran the story of his rescue, referencing the fact that he had lost all his belongings in the process. The community came together in a big way to help him out, sending cards, food and other items so they can help him get back on his feet. A local electronics store even went as far as to replace his camera and equipment free of charge.
Support aside, Paul remained heartbroken that he had lost so much in the space of a few minutes. He thought a lot about the camera and the memory card of pictures from his mother’s memorial. He never thought he would see the pictures in his life again.

A Community Mobilized