Life on the Run: The Iconic Story of Bonnie and Clyde

Published on 09/15/2020

Memorializing the Couple

A public infatuation with Bonnie and Clyde continues to this very day. When the press announced their deaths, people grieved for the loss. The crime scene was swarmed, and many tried to get their hands on a souvenir in the process. It seems that ordinary people are not as far removed from petty theft similar to the pair, after all. Arriving at the coroner’s office, crowds gathered to catch a glimpse of the blood-stained bodies of Bonnie and Clyde. Onlookers later referred to the moment as surreal. People were clutching at the bodies trying to get their hands on parts of their clothing, hair and more. Authorities would later state that they thought people had gone completely mad. Someone even went as far as offering $30 000 to Clyde’s father for his dead body, which he turned down immediately.

Memorializing The Couple

Memorializing The Couple


Remembering Two Cultural Icons

All these years later, the tombs of Bonnie and Clyde are still visited by tourists, fans and enthusiasts alike. Forever known as the outlaws who won the hearts of the people, the duo will forever be immortalized in their incredible, iconic story. Beyond their crimes, a story of love exists, and while it may have been perceived happiness, Bonnie and Clyde gave people reason to believe in unconditional love again. Many people search their entire lives to find someone to share that kind of connection with. The couple embodies hope for millions of people around the world to this day. Bonnie and Clyde may have been buried separately, but their tombstones are eerily similar in terms of design. Clyde’s reads “gone but not forgotten”, while Bonnie’s features a beautiful poem. Even in death, the couple still finds a way to connect to each other, making them one of the most star pairs in the history of the world.

Remembering Two Cultural Icons

Remembering Two Cultural Icons