Life on the Run: The Iconic Story of Bonnie and Clyde

Published on 09/15/2020

Nothing In Life Comes Free

The pair lived a life in the fast lane, which many people dream of, especially if they are stuck in a traditional corporate role. While exhilarating and adrenaline-inducing, this kind of life doesn’t come without a cost. On one of their outings, Bonnie suffered a severe acid burn to her leg. Clyde had been driving them and didn’t notice a bridge that was under construction ahead.
A terrible accident followed, and Bonnie couldn’t walk over the period of a couple of months. She had to be carried around everywhere. The car battery had spewed acid after the collision had taken place, and Bonnie burnt her leg right down to the bone in some places. Naysayers may have called this karma, while supporters would argue it’s just part of the territory.

Nothing In Life Comes Free

Nothing In Life Comes Free


The Beloved Bonnie and Clyde

All things considered, the public fell in love with Bonnie and Clyde, and it would be their charisma that helped the pair creep into the hearts of the nation long after their deaths. While nobody openly approves of murder, the couple’s free-spirited nature is one that is the envy of most people who feel trapped in their own lives. Their love story adds a unique, relatable angle to things as well. Jim Wright, a speaker from the House of Representatives, once commented that growing up in Texas and Oklahoma, they were the envy of the country. While most people did not approve of their antics, the combination of beauty, fame and wealth was sure to make anyone feel just a little bit jealous in comparison.

The Beloved Bonnie And Clyde

The Beloved Bonnie And Clyde