That’s The Magic Of Secondhand Stores
Since you don’t know what other people need, you can’t tell if something you’re getting rid of might be useful to someone else. When you go to thrift shops, it might be fun to think that something in your closet that you never use could be exactly what someone else has been looking for their whole life.

Thats The Magic Of Secondhand Stores
The person who used to own this cute little love seat decided they didn’t need it anymore, so they sold it and gave the money from the sale to a thrift store. The person who bought it got very lucky because they thought it would be the right size for their pet lizard, and it turned out to be an exact fit. The lizard was very amused about it.
Officer Merman On Garage Sale
After finding it at a yard sale, a woman was “both confused and enthralled” by the object. As a birthday present, she got it for her brother-in-law, who works for the police department. Since then, she has amassed a larger number of merman police artifacts, but she has been unable to track down any new objects to add to her collection.

Officer Merman On Garage Sale
We can’t help but wonder where the idea for the ornamental look of the figure came from because of how it was made. What should you do if you need to keep an eye on Ariel from seven o’clock in the evening till eight o’clock, and you have no one else around?