Hoping Beast Won’t Be Mad Mrs. Pots Was Stolen
In this jar, place the coffee grounds from your most recent cup of coffee. These items should be kept here. The fact that it seems to have been abandoned during the production of Beauty and the Beast makes it even more amusing to us. Because of this, it’s now even hilarious in our opinion.

Hoping Beast Wont Be Mad Mrs Pots Was Stolen
In the Disney movie with Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, Chip, and Fifi, we get the idea that it was meant to be included, but it didn’t make the final cut because it seemed to be trying too hard to be pretentious. Just look at that seductive “hand” that’s been hanging out on its “waist.”
Too Cute Not To Share
The new owner’s devotion to this decorative goat is so charming that I can’t keep it to myself. As a consequence, even though they were poor at the time, the person wrote a check to the thrift store because they couldn’t bear to part with their “most prized acquisition.”

Too Cute Not To Share
After giving a thorough narrative of how they brought their new goat home and wanted to put her in the front yard, the person expressed concern that she might be stolen since she is “so lovely.” They set up two surveillance cameras in their house to monitor their newest “family member.”