World Airways DC-10
Wet volcano ash is the reason this World Airways DC-10 sits on its tail in this abandoned area. Apparently, the aircraft went through the height of Mount Pinatubo’s volcanic eruption in 1991. Since then, the plane has been here and seemingly will be for a very long time. The current KC-10 Extender that is now in operation was built from this model. It seems as though the aircraft here is stuck where it is, but the reality is that a brace is there to hold it in place in case it may decide to swing. If you ask us, there must be a few parts worth saving and cherishing that the company could do well with.

World Airways DC 10
U.S. Air Force Base Barracks, Israel
From the look of things here, you could easily say a disaster had struck, and it is indeed exactly what happened. Some years ago, the U.S. Air Force base barracks in Israel was flooded out, and it was a really devastating disaster. The flood took control of everything in the camp, and in the process, we can clearly see that a lot of machines and expensive equipment were damaged or rendered completely useless. What you see here is an F-16 station with a lot of abandoned aircraft that may not be used anymore.

US Air Force Base Barracks Israel