Soviet n-12
Here we have a Soviet An-12, and we have to say it is a sight to behold. There is graffiti all over the machine, and surprisingly, it also sits on tracked wheels. It is clear this aircraft was once immobile, but someone needed to get it to a new location, so the developments and renovations are somehow justified. So, how does one easily move an immobile aircraft from one point to the other? Well, as you can see here, simply add a few tank wheels and get to pushing. You can find this abandoned aircraft at the Bagram Airport in Afghanistan.

Soviet N 12
Convair B-58, Rare Abandonment
This is a rare aircraft you will not see too often, whether abandoned or not. There were only 116 units manufactured, so we found it really surprising when we discovered one in an abandoned and lonely field. This aircraft pictured here is the Convair B-58 Hustler, one of the first set of operational jet bombers set for a March flight. Convair developed this abandoned B-58 Hustler and for the United States Air Force. It was used in the Strategic Air Command in the 1960s, but looking at it in this condition, we have to say it is really a sad case.

Convair B 58 Rare Abandonment