Douglas DC-4, Gila River Memorial Airport
Here at the Gila River Memorial Airport, you will find this Douglas DC-4 that has been left to rot and come to complete dust. The Douglas DC-4 is a great aircraft designed with interesting features such as four engines and was developed by the popular engineering group, Douglas Aircraft Company. The C-54 and R5D were used as military versions in the Second World War during the 1960s in the Berlin Airlift. Since the mid-1940s, the civilian versions have been doing their rounds in the world of flight and flight-based operations.

Douglas DC 4
Another Douglas DC-4
No, you do not see doubles as you may see another Douglas DC-4 on this list. The reality is that the Gila River Memorial Airport is also the home of this abandoned aircraft. The airport this abandoned aircraft is located in the Gila River Indian Reservation is now easy to access for those who wish to take a little tour. If you happen to be in and around Arizona and are looking for something interesting to do, you can come over and take a look at history and flight life from the early years.

Another Douglas DC 4