The exact origin of the city of Rome remains a mystery. Many theories are based on the writings of ancient writers and archaeological discoveries.
Therefore, the creation of Rome is based mainly on legends and myths, and not on concrete facts and figures. For nearly two centuries, seasoned historians have even questioned the existence of the Roman kingdom.

How Where And When Rome Was Founded
Romulus & Remus
According to legend, Ancient Rome was founded on April 21, 753 BC. C. two brothers, the demigods Romulus and Remus. Legend states that Romulus killed Remus, arguing over who would rule the city (or, in other words, where the city would be located), and named the city after him. The history of the founding of Rome is the most famous, but not the only one.After the founding of the city, Romulus invited all kinds of merchants and people to settle on the Palatine. To increase the female population and provide wives for the inhabitants of Rome, he kidnapped the Sabine women. As a result, the Sabine king Titus Tatius attacked Rome and occupied the Capitol. In the end, Romulus and Titus Tatius shared power in the city until his death.The list of seven Roman kings (eight if Titus Tatio is included) is as follows: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Turus Vistilius, Ann Kus Matthew, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Turius, Tarquinius Superbus. No historian doubts the existence of the last three kings, because there is clear evidence that they ruled in Rome. Today, people still believe that the first three kings of Rome also existed.
The Woman Named Rome
According to other legends, the city is named after a woman named Rome. She traveled with Aeneas and other survivors of Troy after the fall of the city. When they landed on the banks of the Tiber, the gypsies and other women objected and the men wanted to move on. She led the women to burn the Trojan horse ship and effectively trapped the surviving Trojan horses in what would eventually become Rome. Aeneas of Troy is famous in this legend. In Virgil’s Aeneid, he is the founder of Rome, Romulus and Remus. Therefore, Xi’s ancestors associate Rome with a magnificent and powerful force, and Troy was once Troy.In the 5th century BC, some Greek historians suggested that Aeneas settled in Rome when it was still a small city-state. In the 4th century, Rome began to expand within the Italian peninsula and the ties between Romans and Greeks were narrowed, which means that Aeneas was fundamental in the creation of the great city of him. The Roman poet Virgil in the first century developed the mythology of Aeneas in his poem Aeneid, which tells the story of Aeneas’ journey to Rome. Augustus was the first Roman emperor during Virgil’s period, and his uncle and former Roman ruler Julius Caesar is considered a descendant of Aeneas.
The River Tiber Rumon
Other theories about the name of the famous city also indicate that it comes from the ancient name of the river Tiber Rumon and is simply the name of a small shopping center based on its banks, or the legendary name of Ancient Rome. or that this name comes from the Etruscan. language and could have been assigned to one of the inhabited points.The famous date of the founding of Rome is 753 BC. According to archaeological discoveries and legends, the first form of government in Rome was the monarchy. During the excavation of the Roman Forum in Reggia, which was the royal residence, a 7th century Buchero cup with the inscription Rex (King) was discovered. The term regei was also found in Niger, an ancient shrine in the Roman Forum of lapis lazuli. The inscription under black marble is considered law.Thanks to other institutions in the region of Lazio , it is also possible to know when Rome became a kingdom. For example, Rex Nemorensis (king of the forest), priest of the goddess Diana, protected the forest from the 6th century BC. Until the Roman Empire.

The River Tiber Rumon